SETU Policy

(Applicable to both producer groups and employees of the organization)

1. SETU does not support child labor. Workers under 15 years of age are not allowed and the same is to be ensured on the part of producer groups. The minimum age for admission to any type of employment or work which by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out is likely to jeopardize the health, safety or morals of young persons shall not be less than 18 years. (As mentioned in ILO convention 138, The Child Labor Prohibition and Regulation Act -1986 and The Factories Act -1948 of the Indian constitution). Other than this, children in producer organizations who are learning production skills within their families are permitted to do so, only if their work does not interfere with their education, health or development. ”The minimum age specified in pursuance of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, shall not be less than 15 years.” (Definition by International Labour Organization (ILO)).

2. No forced or bonded labor is permitted by SETU, in any condition and the same is to be ensured on the part of our producer groups, from whom the organization is purchasing Fair Trade products. (As mentioned in ILO convention 29 and Bonded Labor System (Abolition), 1976 of Indian constitution)
“Term forced or compulsory labour shall mean all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.” (Definition by International Labour Organization (ILO)).

3. SETU does not support any discrimination (on grounds of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth) and protects the rights of artisans and employees by
ensuring fair wages, equal opportunity to all, healthy and safe working conditions and proper scope for overall development. Organization respects the fundamental right of Equality under Art.29 of Indian constitution.

4. SETU believes in, and actively supports empowerment of local communities, with particular reference to the role of women. Equal pay to women to be provided as compared to their male counterparts in the event of work having equal value.

5. SETU ensures that the fair wages are being paid to the organization’s artisans/ employees and also to the artisans from the producer groups regularly. SETU aims that the producers should receive an income that improves their standard of living and thereby aid in community development.(As mentioned in ILO convention 95 and 131), “the term wages means remuneration or earnings, however designated or calculated, capable of being expressed in terms of money and fixed by mutual agreement or by national laws or regulations, which are payable in virtue of a written or unwritten contract of employment by an employer to an employed person for work done or to be done or for services rendered or to be rendered.” (Definition by International Labour Organization (ILO)).

6. SETU provides safe and healthy working conditions for artisans and employees working with the organization and ensures that producer groups follow the same. (As mentioned in ILO convention 155 and recommendation 164, DPSP of Indian constitution and Art. 7 of Indian constitution) .

Safe and healthy working condition refers to “Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological capabilities; and, to summarize, the adaptation of work to man and of each man to his job.” (Definition by International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO)).

7. SETU believes that any type of community development is the initiative of people themselves and they should be entrusted with the freedom to express their own ideas and values. We consider artisans’ opinions to be of utmost importance and seek participation from them as and when required.

8. SETU supports community initiatives through its fair trade partnerships, which can involve paying a premium for a product, advance payments when needed, sponsoring of need based projects, organizing workshops for the skill and overall development of artisans, sponsoring and organizing of health camps and spreading awareness on issues like health and nutrition, environment protection and the like.

9. SETU is committed to confer preference to the economically & otherwise disadvantaged or marginalized communities at the time of recruiting people in organization and while selecting a producer group to work with.

10. SETU actively encourages value addition in the communities of origin, and undertakes product development with this in mind; in this way, more money goes to local economies. SETU is committed to sustainable development and encourages complete processing of materials in the community itself

11. SETU is committed to support enterprises involving natural/organic raw materials and stresses on environment friendly processes & materials. All raw materials, processes & products should be sustainably managed. We also promote recycled materials, eco-friendly packaging & means of transport with minimum carbon footprints.

12. SETU respects culture & traditions of communities & their crafts; at the same time we update our artisans with the latest trends & requirements of the global market so as to increase the marketability of their produce overseas.

13. The organization intends to provide help, guidance, training, education and support for selling handicrafts and to develop need-based strategies and programs for poverty alleviation through a sustainable model for rural development. We will build capacities for rural development through training programs and a network of partner organizations.

14. SETU analyzes the impact of local, state and national policies on rural development, helping the rural poor make best use of policies intended to benefit them; and advocate for policy reforms when needed.

15. We hereby aim to work closely with the artisan communities providing them with various inputs on design, quality control, access to raw materials and production coordination. SETU makes sure that all products and processes at our producer groups are subjected to an inspection and certification regime to assess compliance to the Fair-trade standards.

16. SETU will conduct timely research to assess the level of positive change in the living standards of our artisan community. SETU will endeavor to achieve continual improvement in all possible spheres.

17. SETU is committed to encourage the production of hand-made, fair trade, eco-friendly and sustainable products all over the world. We will promote non-harmful and ethical exports.

18. SETU will be transparent in its policies and management & will be respectful with all commercial partners and would look towards long term relationships.

19. SETU will strive to promote Fair Trade amongst all stakeholders & other spheres of society in general.